A different kind of workout!

Pastors, faith leaders, and Community Leaders! God wants us whole in every area of our lives. Would you like to help equip your members, communities, and staff to get healthier in their minds, body, and spirit not only to be physically stronger and healthier but also to get spiritually fit through faith-based fitness so they can first love God, love themselves, and love others to carry out God’s purpose in their lives? Consider bringing a Revelation Wellness Instructor to your church that will provide a different kind of worship, fitness, and wellness.

Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values:

  • VISION: We use fitness as a tool to spread the good news Gospel message to the ends of the earth.
  • MISSION: Helping people love God, get healthy, be whole, and love others.
  • VALUE STATEMENTS: God first. No Gimmicks. Freedom Living

As a Revelation Wellness Instructor and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I would love to bring a class to you whether it’s a pop-up class and/or a wellness community day event. Together, we can make a positive change and transform lives! If this is something you’re interested in doing, CLICK HERE.

To learn more about how Revelation Wellness helped other Pastors and communities, click the images below:

Words from the Founder of Revelation Wellness!
Pastor Testimony!
Pastor Testimony!
Pastor Testimony!
Interview with Pastor!

<—-Read other Pastor Endorsements Here —->