Top 5 Health & Wellness Blogs to Follow

Top 5 Health & Wellness Blogs to Follow

The following is a list of the Top 5 health and wellness blogs to follow that I absolutely love and frequently visit. These are great sites that will help you on your health and wellness journey. Site #1: I love this website because it provides a variety of health topics, but it also provides a nice…

The following is a list of the Top 5 health and wellness blogs to follow that I absolutely love and frequently visit. These are great sites that will help you on your health and wellness journey.

Site #1:

I love this website because it provides a variety of health topics, but it also provides a nice directory of pediatricians, primary physician doctors, and other specialist doctors around the globe. You can easily find a doctor near you or simply browse based on specialty, your condition, or procedure. This really comes in handy if you or a loved one is struggling with a disease or in need of a particular procedure because everything can be found in one place saving you tons of time surfing the internet.

Site #2:

I enjoyed reading this article because I eat bananas almost every day either in my smoothie, oatmeal or as a late-evening snack. There are many benefits this article addressed in eating bananas, such as improving blood sugar levels, assisting with weight loss, being nutrient-packed, and improving digestive health to name a few. However, one thing this article did not address was the dangers of too much potassium. If you want to learn more about the risks associated with high potassium and what to look out for, then you may enjoy reading this article.

Site #3:

I would just like to reiterate how much I enjoy researching any topic relating to nutrition and wellness. So, I like this article because there have been many studies and debates on various cooking oils. In fact, when I first started my health and wellness journey, it started with finding a solution to suffering from fibroids and it was then that I discovered I was contributing to their growth by them using vegetable oil. But this article talks more about cooking with low-calorie oils, so I think you would enjoy this article and other resources and a variety of topics they provide on their site.

Site #4:

I really like this article for motivation and inspiration. No matter where you are in your journey to health and wellness, you will need some inspiration along the way when you don’t feel like going to the gym or you don’t see progress and feel like throwing in the towel. It’s really not about fitness, it’s about just showing up and moving your body, no matter what size you are or how young or old you are. So, on those days when you feel ashamed about not working out or showing up because of your size or age, read this article on just one of my many who inspires me to keep going. Mrs. Ericka Rischko who is TikTok and Instagram famous along with her husband who is both 81 and 82 years young. Another one of my favorite people who inspired me years ago is Ernestine Shepherd who is also in her 80s and still going strong with bodybuilding, and you can find more about her here and on Instagram. So go check them out for a little motivation when you tell yourself you’re too old to get in shape.

Site #5:

This next one I’m sharing is my least favorite, but very important article. Although we are all on a journey to wellness and health, all living must come to an end and it’s crucial we think about hard topics and decisions. This is still something I don’t even like thinking about, but I came across this article when I was digging into another article on health care and felt obligated to share it because a lot of people don’t like to think about this or even talk about it. But, the good thing is we can all try our best to live our best lives by eating well and moving our bodies well to increase our longevity. So, if you know someone who could use this information, please pass it along.


I hope you found value in the sites I provided. These are just a handful of websites that has really good information to learn about health and wellness. Feel free to bookmark my sites to come back to.

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