Wellness & Wholeness

Ways to Lead to Wellness & Wholeness!

I want to lead you on your journey of wellness and wholeness. But before I go any further, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you struggle with practicing self-love because you feel undeserving or because you can’t find the time? What about loving others unconditionally? What about feeling ashamed about how you…

I want to lead you on your journey of wellness and wholeness. But before I go any further, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you struggle with practicing self-love because you feel undeserving or because you can’t find the time? What about loving others unconditionally? What about feeling ashamed about how you look on the outside or how you act sometimes? Are you one who obsesses over your body too much and lack a little spiritual direction? Are you carrying around a lot of shame, bitterness, doubt, unforgiveness, regret, or illness in your body? We all carry something with us whether visible or invisible to the eye.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this website was created with you in mind, and I want to share not only the common 5 main pillars of wellness, which encompass spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness, but also truth, love, and resources that I will frequently discuss which will help you along your journey. At times, people have questions but are afraid to ask or they have a hard time accepting the answers to questions given. My goal is to get you to a point of awareness so that you can acknowledge truthfully where you are so you can be equipped to be empowered to change. This website will cover a variety of the following topics which are all connected to the main pillars I mentioned.

  1. LOVE: Love is part of emotional and mental health. We were all created to love and be loved. I want to help you be rooted and grounded in every area of your life, especially in the area of love and loving yourself. Dealing with self-rejection is a horrible emotion to deal with. According to Matthew 22:36-40, “The greatest and first commandment is to love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself.” It would be impossible to love your neighbor if you don’t love yourself first. So, I want to help you love every imperfect thing and every unique thing about yourself so that you can love others wholeheartedly.
  2. TRUTH: I want to help you be rooted and grounded in the truth of who you are. I’m not talking about your job title or what you do for a living or the position you hold in your church, your financial status, your educational background, or your economic status. Although these qualities are a summation of you based on your experience and upbringing, they do not define your true essence of how God defines who you are. You are defined as “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9.
  3. WELLNESS: I want to help bring wellness and wholeness to your mind, body, and spirit so you can get healthy, prosperous, and energized to walk in your purpose and serve others better. It says in John 3: 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health (physically), just as your soul prospers (spiritually). The word “prosper” in the Bible means to embark on a journey towards completeness and wholeness.
  4. BEAUTY: Beauty is commonly described as if it is a subjective quality that is based on a set of attributes that society holds as beautiful. While certain attributes are more universally attractive (wide eyes, defined cheekbones, full lips, big breasts, big hips), your beauty is unique to you, as you were created in the image of God and created exactly how he wanted you to look. Yet Many women struggle with accepting themselves in their own skin.
  5. REST & REGENERATION: Rest and regeneration are important, but rest and sleep are often overlooked and underappreciated by many people. Even if you aren’t tired, you still need to rest to perform at your optimal level.
  6. EMOTIONAL WELLNESS: Emotional wellness is how you feel about yourself and your life overall. This includes: How you think about yourself; How you feel about life events; How you react to certain situations; How you describe yourself and your life; How you come across to others.
  7. PHYSICAL WELLNESS: Physical wellness is not just about taking care of your body with movement, but also about how you feel about your body.
  8. LOSE WEIGHT: My main focus is not to help you lose physical weight, which will come in time, but to get rid of what’s weighing you down physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I want to help you go deep into the root cause of issues. What’s been weighing you down lately that hinders you to move forward in life? Is it idolatry, bitterness, rejection, body shame, unforgiveness, emotional eating, neglect, or obsession?
  9. SOCIAL WELLNESS: Social Wellness is all about how you interact with others, which includes, but is not limited to How you smell; How you sound; How you feel about being socialized with the world This list can go very deep, so I’ll stop right here.
  10. RESOURCES: I want to equip you with helpful resources such as challenges, programs, workshops, webinars, boot camps, guides, E-books, and healthy recipes that will lead you on your fitness and wellness journey.

CONCLUSION: As you can see, I’m on a special mission to help people get healthy and whole. This is not an overnight process, but a journey to freedom, wholeness and wellness. But, as you work on what’s weighing you down, you will be able to get free, love God, get healthy, be whole and love others

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